2009 has turned out to be a year of interesting projects with Berkeley based non-profit, Connect Ed California. One of our latest documentary projects, working with producer Dave Yanofsky, centers around an Oakland School of the Arts high school student that is majoring in lighting design. Shooting in this brand new high school, that is housed in the same building as the newly renovated Fox Theater, is a real treat. This week we had our first shoot at the school and arrived just as Francis Ford Coppola was leaving the building after giving a talk on creativity to over 100 OSA HS students.
For the next month or so we will be following a student as she works with her class mates to prepare the lighting and set design for three student produced plays scheduled at the high school. Our short documentary will conclude on the night of production.
This documentary is part of a series of educational documentaries that we are helping Connect Ed produce in order to show case different career pathways for California high school students.