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  • Corduroy Media

Corduroy Media produces new Time Magazine Documentary on SF Bay Area Ekso Bionics

Time Magazine is always in need for original story ideas. Corduroy Media has been a consistent contributor to the magazine’s online news site for the past three years. We have also produced pieces of video and photojournalism for Time Warner Cable, MTV, Current TV, MSNBC, The Bay Area News Group, and Trib Total Media. As a San Francisco Bay Area video production company, we produce these important stories with a production value rarely seen in documentary storytelling, and we have a hell of a good time doing it.

The number of groundbreaking companies in the San Francisco Bay Area is awe-inspiring. The bright minds behind these institutions are constantly coming up with transformative ideas to change how we live. One such company, Ekso Bionics, is changing the way we think about disabilities with their exoskeleton, called the Ekso. Our Berkeley based video production team told the story of one Ekso test pilot, Jason Geiser. We built a strong narrative arc that revealed the emotional impact walking had on Jason’s life.

“To give a dynamic sense of what walking was like for Jason, we positioned two cameras on the Ekso Bionics floor. One camera was locked on a long lens, giving us multiple tight shots for fast-paced editing and narrative reveals in post-production. Another camera was built on our dana dolly system, with ten foot rails, to create a feeling of movement as Jason walks. The reveal sequence from Jason’s chair to his legs that our Executive Director, Carl Brown shot was one of my favorites.”  – Sean Donnelly


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