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  • Corduroy Media

Creative Services at Corduroy Media

Updated: Jul 11

Custom iconography of creative services at Corduroy Media, includes: brand narrative discovery, creative development, content strategy, campaign creation, video production, post production, project management, and sound stage

For 20 years we have been focused on deep collaboration with a variety of clients in a number of verticals. Because we sit at the intersection of creative agency, marketing consultant and production company each one of our clients has a different idea of how we integrate with their team and provide value depending their needs and the genesis of our relationship.

Our agency partners rely on us as a production company to iterate on creative and pull big ideas out of the clouds and make them a reality. Our enterprise clients rely on our ability to discovery brand narrative and brand voice, creating compelling content that reinforces their brand identity and brand value. Many of our non-profit and higher-education clients rely on us for everything from ideation to strategy to execution.

So what better tool than Original Iconography to communicate to our diverse client base all of the service that we provide. Big thanks to our Art Director, Evan Olds and Creative Producer, Adrian Hopffgarten, for creating this series of unique and creative icons to communicate our services.

What icon do you think we should do next. How about a DOGGIE SNUGGLE or KOMBUCHA MILKSHAKE or PERFECTLY TIMED COFFEE RUN... just a few of the other services we tend to provide.


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