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  • Carl D. Brown

New LED Volume in Oakland!

Mama Dog Studios host a Magicbox LED volume in Downtown Oakland!

Virtual production has staked out a huge position in TV, Film and Video production. While it is not the right solution for every production we are excited to now have the in-house capabilities to exploit the benefits of LED and Virtual Production. 

Thanks to our partnership with Magicbox - Mama Dog Studios now has a 20x10 ft LED wall with a completely adjustable 13x10ft Ceiling. This compact LED is an amazing solution for small to medium size productions that are looking for additional production value or cost saving with virtual production. 

Our 2700 sq ft soundstage is the perfect home for this Vu manufactured LED Volume with full drive in capabilities. Our stage and LED Volume with Ceiling is perfect for anything from Car Process shots to commercials to live event productions.

We can’t wait to continue to explore all the different ways we can write this volume into new creative. Next up is using Unreal Engine with complete camera tracking to do realtime camera moves in a virtual environment.

Above are a couple edits from our recent Cal Bears Football shoot with Supersweet Motions Pictures. Below are some BTS shots from a recent indie film shoot.


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