In an era where content is king, Corduroy Media is always looking for new and innovative ways to display great content. That's why we were excited to bring our photo and video production to UCSF's Interactive Video Display Donor Wall.
In 2015, The UCSF Medical Center opened a groundbreaking hospital in Mission Bay, The UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital. The $1.5 billion, 878,000 square foot facility would not have been possible without a $600 million dollar fundraising campaign. UCSF choose Corduroy Media to produce a series of videos and still photographs profiling the donors that made the hospital possible. The content was then placed on two interactive video display donor walls that are displayed permanently in the new medical center.
Creating dynamic content for the Interactive Video Display had a unique set of challenges. Due to the high-profile nature of the subjects, our team had a limited amount of time to create unique, story-driven content that felt natural and authentic. We also needed to capture editorial style portraits in this short window of time. These relationships were extremely important to UCSF. They needed a team that they could not only rely on to create great media, but also trust to interact with and enter the private lives of these donors.
UCSF has worked with Corduroy Media for a number of years on multiple high profile projects, so they knew our team could produce great results that would honor these donors in a permanent exhibition. We honor and value our relationship with UCSF and appreciate their trust and partnership.