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  • Corduroy Media

Corduroy Media’s New Video Production Studio in Oakland

Just under a year ago, Carl wrote this blog post about Corduroy Media finally setting down some roots for our video production company in Oakland.  That was the day we first began to frame out the facilities in the new building, and a lot has happened since then. Now that we’re settled in, we thought it might be fun to share with you some time lapse footage so you could see how our new 4000-square-foot production studio came together.  

After you’ve watched the time lapse, meet us below for more deets on our new digs.

The footage above shows the half of the 8000-square-foot building where Corduroy Media currently resides. (Later this year, we’ll begin the build-out of the other half.  Plans are already drawn up, and we’ll keep you posted on that project, too.) You may have noticed that in the video, the floor wasn’t finished and the built-in desks in the bullpen weren’t in yet, but it’s all finished now.  In fact, we’ve already had some rip-roaring good times and even shot our first broadcast commercials here.  

These 4000 square feet are a huge upgrade compared to 1400 we used to live in. In our last studio, the only private-ish space was Carl’s office, which also served as the copy room. Now, we’re able to spread our wings a bit. Our new studio is dreamy. It has:

  • Private offices for both Carl and Sean

  • An edit suite, home of our Lead Editor, Crescent

  • A bullpen for our Producers Gabriella and Melissa, and our new Studio Manager, Joel

  • A bullpen for the post-production team, starring our MGFX artist, Evan

  • A 25ft x 30ft video & photo space

  • A conference room that opens up onto the stage

  • A green room/make-up area

  • A secure gear room

  • A secure server room

  • Two bathrooms

  • Oh, and did we mention elbowroom? The new studio has tons.

Our new digs are all fully wired and super high-tech. In other words, it’s a full-fledged state-of-the-art video production studio, and it’s rad.

Come see us sometime! And don’t forget to follow us on Instagram! @corduroymedia


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