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Carl Brown

Educational Documentary Production Services

I began working in video production, and ultimately started Corduroy Media, because I saw the power of media, specifically film and video, to educate thousands of people simultaneously. Knowing that not everyone had access to the video production tools needed to unlock this power, I wanted to create a company that empowered all people to tell their story.

While this mission has grown to include small businesses, corporate clients and non-profits, Corduroy Media is still dedicated to empowering each one of our clients with the tools of digital video production. One of our clients that uses digital film to educate youth is Connect Ed, The California Center for College and Career.

Corduroy Media has partnered with Connect Ed to create over twenty short educational documentaries for their Connect Ed Studios education portal. Each one of these short films was designed to support the Connect Ed curriculum that simultaneously prepares students for college and career. While each piece varies from A Day in The Life, which focuses on careers such as a Swat Team Member or Emergency Room Nurse, to Career Portraits, which highlight individuals working in the fields of Medicine and Science, the goal is the same; to provide young people the inspiration and education needed to enter any field.

This educational documentary series is designed to introduce students to a variety of career fields by highlighting individuals working in those fields. It also gives the students a good idea of what skills and education are needed to enter their desired field. All this is done while each documentary supports the standards based Connect Ed curriculum.

While I get great satisfaction out of all the projects we produce at Corduroy Media, working with Connect Ed on their Educational Documentary Series is a real joy. Not only do I get to use the great power of video to teach the next generation I get to learn about each individual and career that we highlight.

Below is an example of one of the many documentaries that we produced; Day in The Life of a SWAT TEAM Member


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